A Christian Apology
Apology - “A reasoned argument or writing in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.”
For the spiritual seeker, the dissatisfied atheist, for posterity and for my own self-examination, I’ve systematically outlined some of what I believe and how I came to believe it. For more details on the aim of this apology and the blog, visit the About page. Note that it’s written in reverse chronological order so you can more easily follow the progression of ideas by scrolling from top to bottom or from newer to older posts. Or you can use the links below and the back button of your browser to read the entries that are most interesting to you.
Belief in God.
Science - A method, not a body of knowledge, which is influenced by societal context.
Truth - Subjective. Definitely. According to me.
Reality - Limited to what is observable and intellectually comprehensible.
Reason - Its shortcomings in describing the human condition.
The real human condition - Uncertainty, and what we can learn from developing nations.
Faith - What it is and why it’s not opposed to rational thought.
Belief in the Christian God
Christ - The concept and how it relates to reality.
The Christian Message - Love those who don’t deserve to be loved.
Religion as a language - The uniqueness of this tradition and its practical connection to daily, weekly and yearly life.
Ecumenical - Doesn’t exclude the possibility of other belief systems.
Why I choose the Anglo-Catholic expression of faith
Theology and contemplation - Not literal, and not rigid.
Tradition and beauty - The Book of Common Prayer and the Choral tradition.
Why bother practising?
The full experience of life - Opening a door to a “next-level” experience (of love), with some practical benefits. Bonus!
What’s at stake - Hint: It’s not eternal damnation.
Religion (Christianity) causes wars - Is this true?
Better yet, why aren’t you practising? - The "Higher Power” and mortality.